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This is an area where I will post short updates about what is happening in my life. This may include project status/launch, current endeavors, family hijinks or something that tickled my fancy. You may not find these updates interesting, but I bet my mom will. Well, at least some of them.


Four and 1/2 Stars!

I only have two reviews on Amazon right now for Eternal - Immortality Lost, but they are a start, and they are four and five stars, respectively. Not too bad - I need to sell more!




I am about a third of the way through my first term back to the University of Oregon, and things are going great! I have a solid A in all of my classes so far, and have aced my mid-terms!


Electric Fence Mania - Update!


No, it is not the title of a 1940's era propaganda film about the evils of drugs and electric fences. This week I have set posts, and run over a mile of electric fence to make our goats happy. They BETTER be happy! :)

4-28-18 Update - The goats are loving their new field! We are going to add another as soon as the hay is harvested, and I think we are going to be adding pigs!


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